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WWST Annual Reports

As you hopefully will know by now, WWST is holding our first AGM this evening, to be followed by a Question & Answer event with a panel made up of Junction 6 Limited Director Chris Holland, Warriors' Strategy Director Steve Vaughan, Warriors' Foundation CEO Carol Hart and WWST Chairman Marcus Mulcahy. It's not too late to get tickets, which are free to WWST subscribers, and we are looking forward to seeing many of you at the stadium.

In preparation for the AGM our Treasurer, Gabby Radford, has produced her annual report. This, along with the Chairman's report can be found below:

Treasurer's Annual Report

Chairman's Annual Report

Thank you to everyone who has submitted questions for this evening's main event. We have a great spread of topics to discuss; no submitted questions have been rejected apart from those which were duplicated.



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